Your Home on the Internet


Portal is the cloud computer for consumers.Private like your home.Simple as your phone.Always with you on the nearest screen.

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Limited Sponsorship Offer

Your Portal

  • 1 vCPU and 1 GB memory

  • 30 GB storage

  • 100 GB/m outbound data

  • Unlimited paired devices

  • Unlimited installed apps

Portal€1/month for 6 months,
then €12/month
App Flatrate€3/month
(shared with app developers)

€ 4

per month

for 6 months, then €15/month


Modern digital life often feels like a chore: passwords, backups, upgrades, or data sync don't offer a benefit per se. They are only needed to keep things running.Portal rethinks how you use your computer so these issues are not only solved - they don't become issues in the first place.Portal is always just there, on your nearest screen. Fully managed, backupped, and secured, as small or large as you need it in any moment, always on, always online.


When using your Portal, you don't use your smartphone, tablet, or notebook. Sure, you touch them, but what you actually use is your Single Source Of Digital Life: your one Portal.Not only can you use any device you want, pairing them is so easy, you can use them only for a short time: a screen at your friend's house or a workstation at your employer's office. You just pair - use it - unpair.What you really use all that time is your Portal, which means you have the same data and apps everywhere. Frictionless. The physical device is nothing more than a window.


When you activate your Portal, you are not just becoming a guest at a platform - your Portal is your own personal platform. You pay for it, you own it, you are the ruler of your castle.There are no methods for surveillance or ads or manipulation. Your Portal is your own four digital walls.In fact, a separate piece of infrastructure is set aside just for you: your personal CPU and memory and storage. Nothing else can touch it.


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